Home » Tahia Te Marae
Huria Marae is a member of the Huria Trust Localised Commissioning Agency Kaupapa – Tahia te Marae. This is a service that focuses on working alongside whānau and hapū to empower them toward achieving their dreams, goals, and aspirations.
Our mission is simple: to ensure that whānau and hapū are at the center and in control of their own journey towards success. We believe that by nurturing individual and shared strengths and capabilities, we can bring whānau closer to achieving their aspirations and goals.
At Tahia Te Marae, we recognise the collective strength and capability whānau posess to enhance various aspects of their lives. Our Kaihono (connector) is committed to helping whānau do just this. They’re here to listen, understand, and guide whānau toward services and support that match their goals. They act as a crucial link, connecting whānau with the resources needed to achieve their dreams.
Tahia Te Marae offers personalised one-on-one support to whānau, assisting them in reaching their goals and aspirations. Additionally, Tahia Te Marae also facilitates a range of group workshops and wānanga to better support the learning, growth, and cultural development of our whanau and hapu.
If you would like to know more about how Tahia Te Marae can assist you, get in touch with our Kaihono by calling our office on (07) 5787838 ext 709 or emailing kaihono@huriatrust.co.nz