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Me Hoki Whakamuri Kia Anga Whakamua – We Must Look To The Past In Order To Forge The Future
Established in 1986 by ngā kaumātua o Ngāi Tamarāwaho, Huria Trust was an umbrella organisation established to strengthen the tribal activities centred around the rebuild of Tamateapōkaiwhenua at Huria Marae, Tauranga Moana. Built from humble beginnings, the Trust has developed a solid reputation over the last 30 years. We have worked hard to provide support to whānau Māori within the hapū of Ngāi Tamarāwaho and those of the wider Tauranga & WBOP communities.
Over the years, our major projects have included the successful building & construction of Te Kōhanga Reo o Huria in 1989, followed by the project management of Tamateapōkaiwhenua II’s rebuild in 2004. In 2010 Huria Trust also provided financial assistance and administration to establish the now, Ngāi Tamarāwaho Tribal Authority Trust (PSGE).
Today Huria Trust is known for the delivery of cultural, social, health and educational services to the community in a kaupapa Māori context. Our value proposition derives from the original purpose of the organisation, that being the re-build of our ancestral house Tamateapōkaiwhenua. Maintaining kaitiakitanga and a close relationship with our marae is imperative and has remained since our inception in 1986.
Huria Trust is committed to the advancement of Health, Social, Education and Cultural services to the communities it serves. Our services are delivered by experienced and trained staff with strong networks and the capability to guide, advocate, support and empower whānau to access the many different services within our community.
‘Inā aro atu te oranga ki ngā mea pai, ka rere te wairua ka taea ngā mea katoa’
‘When our lives are attuned to good things, when life is clear and the spirit flows freely, all is possible’
– Dr Maharaia Winiata
‘Whakapūmautia te tangata i tōna ake mana’
‘Supporting whānau on their journey to self-empowerment