He Rourou Aroha

“Nā tō rourou, nā tōku rourou, ka ora ai te Iwi”

He Rourou Aroha is a hapū response to the growing homelessness issue affecting whānau across Tauranga, WBOP communities and wider Aotearoa. On the 23rd of June 2016, He Rourou Aroha – Supporting our Homeless Community was discussed at a Ngāi Tamarāwaho hui-ā-hapū. At this hui, the hapū endorsed and approved the proposal to open the marae facilities for the delivery of He Rourou Aroha. 

The first He Rourou Aroha took place on Monday the 11th of July in 2016 and continues to be delivered today. The initiative offers whānau struggling with homelessness or food insecurity, a free meal, access to showers and to our laundry facilities. The success of this kaupapa has been made possible not only by our amazing staff but by the generosity and support shown by our community. 

Our Service:

Those who join us at He Rourou Aroha will have access to a range of facilities and services to make their experience comfortable and welcoming. 

We offer: 

  • A Nourishing Meal: Our volunteers prepare and serve a hearty sit-down meals in a warm and friendly environment. Tea, coffee and water is also available throughout the duration of He Rourou Aroha.
  • Hygiene & Comfort: We provide access to clean showers with hot water, along with fresh towels and toiletries, promoting personal well-being. Our clean restroom facilities are easily accessible for  convenience.
  • Laundry Assistance: Attendees can utilise our coin operated washing machine and dryer, offering a practical solution for maintaining clean clothing.
  • Clothing: Attendees also have access to donated clothing and blankets.

Upcoming He Rourou Aroha Dates:

Monday, 7th of April |  Sit-Down Lunch 12pm at Huria Marae

Monday 5th of May  |  Sit-Down Lunch 12pm at Huria Marae

Monday, 19th of May  |  Sit-Down Lunch 12pm at Huria Marae

Monday,9th of June  |  Sit-Down Lunch 12pm at Huria Marae

Monday, 23rd of June  |  Sit-Down Lunch 12pm at Huria Marae

Monday, 7th of July  |  Sit-Down Lunch 12pm at Huria Marae

Monday, 21st of July  |  Sit-Down Lunch 12pm at Huria Marae

Monday, 4th of August  |  Sit-Down Lunch 12pm at Huria Marae

Monday, 18th of August  |  Sit-Down Lunch 12pm at Huria Marae

Monday 28th of April  |  Sit-Down Lunch 12pm at Huria Marae

Huria Trust Support:

A pick-up and drop off service at a specific location in the CBD is also provided for those that require transportation. We also offer advocacy and 1 on 1 support to those presenting with health, welfare, and benefit issues. If staff are unable to support you directly, they will link you to the service you require. For additional support, we encourage users of this service to register with our Whānau Ora service. Please contact the Huria Trust office for more information.

Email: reception@huriatrust.co.nz

Phone: 07 578 7838

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