Ko Wai Mātou?

Huria Trust is a kaupapa Māori, hapū-based organisation that was founded during the re-build of our whare tīpuna (ancestral house), Tamateapōkaiwhenua, at Huria Marae. This significant event marked the beginning of our journey, strengthening our role as kaitiaki (guardians) of the Marae and fostering an enduring connection to our people, whenua, and traditions. For over 30 years, we have upheld this responsibility, ensuring that our Marae remains a thriving centre of cultural and community wellbeing.

Today, Huria Trust continues to be a kaupapa Māori, hapū-centric organisation dedicated to enhancing the lives of our people. We are committed to delivering holistic health, social, educational, and cultural services that support not only our hapū but also the wider community. 

Our work reflects a deep commitment to strengthening our identity, preserving our traditions, and fostering a future where Māori aspirations are realised and celebrated.

Our Services